A Worldwide Online Event on EFT and Meridian Tapping
Brought to you Free of Charge by TheTappingSolution.com


"Sick of Struggling With The Same Issues Over and Over Again? Might It Be Time To Finally Let Go Of The Emotional and Physical Issues That Are Holding You Back?  Learn EXACTLY How From the Worlds Leading Tapping Experts...for FREE"

EFT or Meridian Tapping is a new discovery that combines Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Pyschology with startling results



FREE Registration

Over 81,000 People Attended Online in 2009
Enter your Name and Email Address Below (All information kept kept strictly confidential) and then click on "Give Me Access." You'll receive immediate instructions on how to access the event and your Free bonuses...
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Over 81,000 People Attended Online in 2009


Contrary to what you might think, overcoming your emotional and physical challenges doesn’t have to be difficult...

Tapping has been shown to provide relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases as helping people clear the limiting beliefs that are holding them back from attracting what they want.  

To discover these secrets, just enter your email address in the form below, and we'll share with you:

    * Instant Access to 5 bonus interviews on Tapping with Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Bruce Lipton, Carol Look and Nick Ortner on how to quickly and easily implement this technique in to your life.

    * 20 amazing presentations during the world summit itself, an online virtual event, which starts on February 21st, covering topics such as:

-Tapping into Abundance: Understanding What's Really Going on with The Law of Attraction          
-Using Meridian Tapping to Quickly Manage and Eliminate Pain fro Trauma, Injury, and Surgery             
-Freedom From Food! Releasing Your Cravings and Compulsive Eating Habits to Lose Weight and Feel Great
-Breaking the Chain of Addictions with Meridian Tapping-
-Meridian Tapping for Cancer Support
-Skyrocket Your Business by Overcoming the Most Common Business Fears         

(includes both basic information for beginners and advanced never before revealed strategies for people who already know about tapping)

And more....
Last year, over 81,000 people attended the Tapping World Summit.   Let's put an end to the emotional and physical suffering that many of us are feeling.  Feeling great, achieving your goals, and living a life of abundance and joy is not meant to be confusing or hard, and the Tapping World Summit will show you that you can realize all this faster and easier than you think!  

To your health and prosperity,

Nicolas Ortner


Look At What These Leading Experts
Are Saying about EFT / Tapping:


"I have been Tapping for years and have found it to be a pivotal tool in creating the life of my dreams. This information is essential if you want to live your best life!"

Jack Canfield,
Co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series and one of the stars of the hit movie "The Secret"


"I've used Tapping for years and highly recommend it!"

Joe Vitale,
Bestselling author and one of the stars of the hit movie "The Secret"

Cheryl Richardson

"EFT is destined to be the top healing tool for the 21st century."

Cheryl Richardson,
Author of "Stand Up for Your Life," "Take Time for Your Life" and "Life Makeovers" - Expert personal coach and lecturer


Cheryl Richardson

"What's interesting about EFT is that it is a process that really, in some sense engages... like super learning. And super learning is like pushing the record button on the subconscious mind."

Bruce Lipton,
Author of "The Biology of Belief" - Internationally recognized speaker in bridging science and spirit

Cheryl Richardson

"EFT offers great healing benefits "

Deepok Chopra ,
Bestselling author of more than fifty books and co-creator of the Chopra Center.


Look At What Members of the
Medical and Healing Community Are Saying:

"At our clinic we are presently using EFT to help patients overcome negative emotions that undermine health, and to eliminate many forms of pain...We also use it to reduce food cravings that can sabotage healthy eating programs, and to implement positive life goals to support optimal health and well being...EFT is now a major component of our treatment program."

Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO,
Director, Natural Health Center, Chicago, Illinois;
Creator/Host, www.mercola.com
(most visited natural health website in the world)

"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools...as it is for me."

Eric Robins, MD

"EFT is the single most effective tool I've learned in 40 years of being a therapist."

Dr. Curtis A. Steele (psychiatrist)

"In my 50 years as a practicing psychiatrist, EFT has proven to be one of the most rapid and effective techniques I've ever used."

Henry Altenberg, MD, USA



Check out the Experts of the Tapping Community
Joining Us as Instructors and Mentors!

Carol Look Tapping into Abundance: Understanding What's Really Going on with The Law of Attraction and Healing Your Relationship with Money


In this amazing interview Carol will reveal to us:

  • The secret to finally experiencing wealth and abundance.
  • Why tapping into the energetic vibration of money is the real key
  • How to clear the beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you from reaching your true potential
  • Abundance games that will help you attract more wealth into your life
  Carol Look's specialty is inspiring clients to attract abundance into their lives by using Tapping and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build "prosperity consciousness." Before becoming an Tapping Master, Carol was trained as a Clinical Social Worker and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Pat Carrington How to Use Tapping to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You


In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • The secret key to attracting more of what you want, by "tapping-in" positive commentss
  • How to create joy and fulfillment even in the face of real problems.
  • The amazing "Tapping Snapshot" method
  • How to use Tapping and the Law of Attraction to help your business skyrocket!
  Psychologist Dr. Patricia Carrington is an internationally acclaimed authority on stress management. She is the author of three leading books in the self-development field and has popularized leading edge self-help methods. She has received the coveted National Mental Health Association Award for the "best approach to stress management in corporate settings." Dr. Carrington is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey and one of the leaders in the fast-growing field of Energy Psychology, a new frontier in alternative medicine.
Stacey Vornbrock

Using Meridian Tapping to Quickly Manage and Eliminate Pain From Trauma, Injury or Surgery

Through this amazing session you will:

  • Understand WHY tapping works so well to reduce and eliminate pain.
  • Learn specific protocols to manage your particular issues, whether they are new or old.
  • Discover the secrets to using tapping to increase your performance in any sports activity.
  Stacey Vornbrock, M.S., Sports Performance Pioneer, helps elite and amateur athletes turn blocks into breakthroughs. She has worked with athletes in golf, baseball, football, hockey, track and field, tennis, and a variety of other sports. She has been using Meridian Tapping since 1999 and believes it is the most powerful tool she has found in her entire career. She is pioneering the use of Tapping with athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level.

"All I can say is EFT really works! I had been in therapy for years over being sexually abused as a child. Nothing really worked until EFT. After just a few minutes of tapping I felt a load lift off of my shoulders. Now, after clearing a lot of old baggage from the past, I feel a freedom and light-heartedness I've never before experienced. The best part is that I never have to relive old painful memories or have them stop me from getting what I want out of life. For the first time in my life I really love myself. I use EFT everyday as regularly as brushing my teeth! It truly is an amazing tool."

Jeri S., Jacksonville, FL



Brad Yates Being the Change: Your Profound Impact on The World


Gandhi once said, 'I choose to be the change that I wish to see in the world.' In this interview you will learn how to become that change.

  • The key to creating a new reality within yourself
  • The 3 ways to really make a difference
  • Discover how to counteract the problems in the world by healing yourself, by raising your own energy level.
  • The secret to letting go of the obligation to suffer, while still caring and being of even greater service.
  Brad Yates has worked with a diverse group of clients, from CEO's to professional and NCAA athletes, from award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and women in Santa Monica. For several years he taught a weekly class using Tapping and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court. He has also been a presenter at numerous events, including several International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water (WOW) Fest in Los Angeles.
Lindsay Kenny

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Almost everyone lives with some kind of limiting belief or another, that holds us back from living the lives we dream of. In this interview you will discover:

  • Exactly what are limiting beliefs, and why do we have them?
  • Incredibly powerful techniques that will allow you to overcome them with ease.
  • The secret to instantly collapsing any negative thoughts.
  • How to use Tapping to break free and allow yourself to lead an empowering life.
  For over 30 years Lindsay has been helping people lose weight, improve their health, increase their energy, improve their self esteem, find their life partners, and become more effective in life, thereby assisting people in becoming happier, more confident, and more productive individuals.

Discovering Your True Passion

Are you truly passionate about what you are doing? Do you have a strong sense of purpose? If you’re struggling with living your passion, this is the perfect interview for you. In this masterful interview you will:

  • Discover the secret to creating a powerful vision for yourself
  • Learn how to use Tapping to remove the mental blocks that are holding you back from your true destiny.
  • Find the key to overcoming the prior conditioning that is working against your being all that you can be.
  Bob Doyle is the creator and facilitator of the Wealth Beyond Reason program, an in-depth online curriculum on the Law of Attraction, and was one of the featured teachers in the smash-hit movie, The Secret. Bob spends most of his time focusing on the real-world application of the Law of Attraction.

"As you know, my relationship with "Ralph" was breaking up when we discovered EFT. Frankly, I didn't think there was any hope for our marriage, but was willing to try anything. Years of therapy and many bottles of Prozac hadn't worked, so I wasn't very optimistic. But after "tapping away" tons of anger, resentment and frustration, my husband and I both began to see the real issues...which we were able to deal with through EFT.... It seems odd at first when you're doing it, but the results are absolutely amazing. I use it all the time now when I get stressed out, get PMS-ey, or a headache."

Bette Davidson, Albany, NY


Carol Tuttle

What your energy profile can teach you about being your true self

In this powerful presentation you'll learn:

  • How your self-improvement goals might actually be working against you.
  • How you might be in conflict with your true nature
  • What the American Idol judges can teach you about your personality type!
  • How you might be tapping on all the wrong issues and how to easily shift and get dramatic results on the right issues
  Carol Tuttle, MRET, is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. She literally wakes up people's souls to living so they realize their greatness. She has a gift for identifying blocks and patterns that are keeping a person stuck and uses her evolving intuitive gifts and clearing techniques to reconnect people with their spirit truth and life purpose.

Gloria Freedom from Food! Releasing your cravings and compulsive eating habits to lose weight and feel great.


In this content-rich session you will discover:

  • The hidden relationships between stress and food
  • The secret to stop using food as a solution to your problems, or to mask pain.
  • Gloria's Four Level Plan to eliminate guilt and the pain associated with compulsive eating
  • The key to losing that excess weight and never regaining it again: a three-step daily tapping workout.
  Gloria Arenson is a California-based psychotherapist specializing in cutting edge therapies such as Meridian Tapping.  She has helped thousands of people to recover successfully from eating disorders, compulsive spending, anxiety, fears, phobias, PTSD, panic disorder and other problems. She is the author of numerous books, including “Desserts is Stressed Spelled Backwards”, “How To Stop Playing The Weighting Game”, and “EFT For Procrastination”.
Steve Wells

Unlocking Your Hidden Power: How Your Identity Shapes Your Reality

Limiting beliefs put a huge strain on our ability to achieve our full potential. Steve is masterful at explaining to us:

  • How to identify these beliefs, and how to use Tapping to completely collapse them.
  • The key to getting out of the 'Perfectionist Trap' that so many of us get caught in.
  • The 3 big ways to access your unconscious beliefs.
  • The amazing power of 'Irritation Tapping'.
  Steve Wells is a psychologist, professional speaker and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. Steve regularly teaches and consults worldwide with elite athletes and corporate personnel to improve their performance and enhance the performance of their teams. He conducts personal development seminars and professional training workshops in Advanced Tapping and Provocative Energy Techniques throughout Australia, USA and Europe.

"The itching and rash are all gone now and what a relief it is. A specific point on my arm that I concentrated on while we were tapping disappeared instantaneously and even though I tried to restimulate it later, just to test myself, it was all gone!!! Thanks again."

Dr. Nina



John Bullough

Building Thriving and Loving Relationships with Meridian Tapping

In this life changing presentation, you'll learn:

  • The roadmap to a happy, healthy and enjoyable marriage.
  • The three simple practices that will lead you to understand what makes a relationship work.
  • Why trusting and loving yourself is a critical component of a strong relationship.
  • What to do if one spouse wants to work on the problem, but the other one doesn't....
  John works as an Integrative Counselor/Pschotherapist in a doctor's surgery and in private practice. Most of his clients are referrals from the medical profession, presenting with issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship breakdown, post traumatic stress, panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, low self-esteem and chronic fatigue.

Gwenn Bonnell

Meridian Tapping for Your Best Friend: Your Pet!

In this amazing session, Gwen will help you

  • Learn how and where to tap with pets for maximum results.
  • Understand how to do surrogate tapping when you can't actually tap on the pet.
  • Hear amazing true stories of success using EFT with pets.
  Gwenn Bonnell is an internationally renowned author, teacher, and trainer, sharing Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping ) and energy medicine with the south Florida community since 1999. Gwenn's manuals include Tap Away Those Extra Pounds with Tapping and The Foundational Energy Psychology Training Manual. Her audio programs include Tap Your Troubles Away (An Tapping Tutorial), Remove Your Blocks to Success with Tapping , Personal Peace, and Chakrativity.

Sue Beer

Breaking the Chain of Addictions with Meridian Tapping

Whether you're addicted to food, or cigarettes, or drugs, or drama or fear, the same patterns are likely to be running. In this breakthrough interview, Sue will explain:

  • What are addictions, and why do we have them in the first place?
  • Why current approaches are simply not effective.
  • The 5 basic principles of 'New World Thinking' and why this is so powerful!
  • How to use Meridian Tapping to collapse the issues that are causing the addiction in the first place.
  EFT Master Sue Beer is a co-founder of The iEFT Centre. Sue originally trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy and is an experienced hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner. She has extensive experience working with addictions, recovery and personal transformation.

"I use EFT to help me sleep at night, for stress relief, and to relax before difficult meetings. It was worth the money just for those issues. But I use it on other things as they come up. It's easy and doesn't take much time, and it really works!"

Damian D., Chandler, AZ


Pamela Bruner

Speaking Your Truth: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

In this amazing session, Pamela will reveal:

  • The secret to being calm and confident in front of an audience of two, or two thousand.
  • How to rewire your brain so that you no longer go into a panic when you have to speak in public.
  • Why, 'Just Get Out And Do It!'just doesn't work.
  • Learn the 8-Step action plan to removing those anxieties and becoming the confident speaker you always wanted to be.
  Pamela is a Certified Life Coach, an EFT Certified Practitioner (EFTCert-I) a Reiki Master, a Certified Firewalk Instructor, and holds a B.A. degree in philosophy. She uses state-of-the-art mindset tools, including meridian tapping techniques such as EFT, to make it easy and fun to do all the things that make business, and life, successful.
Rick Wilkes

Overcoming the Damaging Effects of Childhood Trauma

In this incredible interview you will learn:

  • The 3 natural responses to a traumatic event, and why the most common one...is the most damaging.
  • The secret to shifting those energies that, since your childhood, have been holding you back.
  • Why it's important to tap on the simple things first.
  • The amazingly powerful process of tapping on your Inner Child.
  Rick Wilkes, LMT, Tapping -ADV, is an Emotional Freedom Coach, Certified Massage Therapist, and Ordained Interfaith Minister. For the past fifteen years, Rick has been exploring energy therapy combined with spiritual inner guidance to promote healing from chronic stresses and pains. This exploration led him to become nationally certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork. Rick loves the fact that Tapping can be used for ongoing emotional self-care, and he has devoted himself to spreading the word about Tapping.

Healing the Critical Voice

If you asked, "What Inner Voice?" it's precisely the voice that asked that question! In this beautiful session you will:

  • Learn how adverse childhood events affect your mental and even physical health as adults, even many decades later.
  • Discover the key to comforting and loving that inner child.
  • Uncover the secret to silencing the critical and tuning into your wisdom
  EFT Master Judy Byrne has been in practice as a therapist for more than 15 years and her twin passions now are working with clients, and running workshops to teach other therapists how to incorporate Meridian Tapping into their work. She provides EFT training courses in England and in Australia.

"I use EFT to help me sleep at night, for stress relief, and to relax before difficult meetings. It was worth the money just for those issues. But I use it on other things as they come up. It's easy and doesn't take much time, and it really works!"

Damian D., Chandler, AZ


Emma Roberts

Meridian Tapping for Cancer Support

In this dynamic presentation, Judy will show you:

  • How to use Tapping to address the variety of emotions that the first diagnosis presents.
  • The keys to collapsing the initial feelings of overwhelm and fear.
  • Discover how Tapping can help you to recover the clarity and strength needed to face the situation, and make the right decisions.
  EFT Master Emma Roberts is a co-founder of The iEFT Centre. She is a clinical hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. Emma does individual consultation at her practice in South West London, specializing in working with fertility, cancer and the highly sensitive areas of trauma and sexual abuse.


Skyrocket Your Success by Overcoming The Most Common Business Fears

In this interview with Margaret you will:

  • Find out why marketing and sales are the REAL KEY to growing any business.
  • Discover the 3 fundamental attributes of a top salesperson.
  • Understand the Number 1 block that holds most people back when it comes to sales.
  • Learn how to turn your passion for your product or service, into a passion for telling people about it.
  Margaret Lynch is a Success Coach, Tapping Expert and author of the "Secret of Intentional Wealth" series of books and audio products. Her passion is helping success minded people break through their limits to higher levels of wealth, health and passion in life. Margaret's specialty is getting to the core of what blocks our success. She teaches her clients how to "tap" into their inner brilliance for higher levels of creativity, of inspiration, even for finding higher purpose in life.

Ron Ball

Using Tapping to Overcome Obstacles to Your Biggest Dreams

In this audio with Jessica, the host of the 2010 Tapping World Summit, you'll learn how to:

  • Pinpoint and clear the blocks that are holding you back from reaching your goals.
  • Avoid the common pitfalls encountered in setting goals
  • Use tapping to propel yourself into action
  • Include a special tapping process with music especially designed to help you reach your goals faster.
  Jessica Ortner is the producer, project manager and interviewer at Try It Productions. She is the host of the 2010 Tapping World Summit and was the host of last years 2009 Tapping World Summit. She also hosts and creates the content for the Tapping Insiders Club


When You Register Now You'll Get Immediate Access to These Two Pre-Event Presentations and Three Bonus Interviews
Carol Look
The Basics of EFT / Meridian Tapping with Dr. Carol Look

In this interview Carol discusses the basics of Meridian Tapping and how it came to be. She'll explain to you what Tapping is used for an how a single technique can work so well on so many different issues. She'll also give you step by step intructions on how to tap so that you can start using it immediately to get results.
Nicolas Ortner
An Introduction to the Tapping World Summit

In this audio with Nicolas Ortner, the founder and producer of the Tapping World Summit you'll learn the basics of the Tapping World Summit, how Tapping relates to the Law of Attraction, and Nick's story on how the hit film "The Tapping Solution" came to be.
Joe Vitale
Joe Vitale
Joe's Secrets to Using Tapping Successfully

In this interview Joe will share with you his history and secrets with using Meridian Tapping. You'll discover Joe's secret to using Tapping to connect with the divine. You'll also learn Joe's favorite thing to tap on to bring abundance into your life and why Tapping will supercharge the Law of Attraction for you.
Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield
How to Discover What's Running Your Life and How to Use Tapping To Steer It In the Right Direction
Audio Interview

In this audio Jack will show you how forgiveness is the key to creating a better future for yourself. You'll learn how to pinpoint beliefs that are shaping your current reality as well as the most commonly overlooked ingredient in "The Secret" and how easy it is to use tapping to help you apply it.
Cheryl Richardson
Bruce Lipton
A Candid Interview

In this interview Bruce will share his secrets on how energy, not necessarily genetics affect the health of the cells in our body. He'll teach you how to properly use positive thinking to change your life (It's not what you think) and how cooperation, not competition is the key to evolution.



Register Right Now! The Event Starts on
Sunday February 21st!

This is an Online Event that is 100% content. You don't have to go anywhere, fight traffic or sit in a hotel...just join us online forthis rare opportunity to learn from some of the world's foremost EFT experts! And if you're not available that
day, you can still participate. Details on the next page!


FREE Registration

Over 81,000 People Attended Online in 2009
Enter your Name and Email Address Below (All information kept kept strictly confidential) and then click on "Give Me Access." You'll receive immediate instructions on how to access the event and your Free bonuses...
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Your information will NEVER be sold, rented, loaned or in any way accessed by ANYONE else but us, EVER! And you can unsubscribe at any time so REGISTER NOW.
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Over 81,000 People Attended Online in 2009



Medical/Legal Disclaimer: The information on this website and that you receive during "Tapping World Summit" is not intended to replace a one-
on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge
and information from the research and experience of Tapping World Summit, and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make
your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership
with a qualified health care professional.