The Tapping World Summit 2010 Upgrade Opportunity is No Longer Available. If you have any questions please email us at


A Bit Controversial...


From the Desk of Nicolas Ortner

You may have heard that this past weekend I spent three days with Bob Doyle, Carol Look, Jennifer Mclean and Rick Wilkes speaking at a seminar. One of the main themes we all spoke about at the seminar was BEING AUTHENTIC in business and life.

How to just speak your mind, from your heart, and put yourself out there.

So when I thought about the wrap up process for the 2010 Tapping World Summit, I figured...why not...

So here’s the deal, this may be a bit controversial but I'm going to be as straight and simple as I can make it for you.

We’re closing out the upgrade portion of the Tapping World Summit on Friday, March 12th at midnight.  The reason we do this is we have to order a fairly exact number of the printed Platinum packages.  They’re expensive to print, and I don’t want to have too many extra printed.

Also, frankly,  we need a break.  :) As you might guess, there’s a lot of people, behind the scenes involved in bringing the Tapping World Summit to you for FREE.   Wrapping up the summit allows us to put all of our ducks in order.

So here's the controversial part...and please remember that I'm speaking from my heart when I say this... I believe that if you haven't yet purchased the upgrade for the event I think that it's likely that a part of you is holding you back from growing out of fear or because of limiting beliefs.

Let me explain what I mean...

There isn't a single person in the world that I know that doesn't want to grow. As I've heard said a million times..."you're either growing or you're dying." You can only go in one direction or the other. And using Meridian Tapping is the most powerful technique I've ever seen for personal growth.

I have received literally hundreds of emails during the event from people telling me how their life has been changed by using tapping. One woman even told me she thinks that one of the presentations saved her marriage!  WOW

Here are the two most common reasons I see for people not purchasing a product like this. I'll explain each one and show you how fear and limiting beliefs play into each one:

Reason #1 - I don't have the money. Look, if you are financially strapped beyond belief, if the pressure is intense and if spending another $97 or $197 is difficult right now, then please, don’t do that.  Use everything you’ve learned during the summit, use the free resources you have available, and move from there.

Remember one thing though...there is absolutely no limitation on the income you can make. I've seen people who used tapping tell me later on that they never thought they could earn as much as they are. That they realized that they just had blocks and limiting beliefs that were holding them back. They told me how their entire outlook on money changed and that they now see it for what it is...just a tool that gives them the freedom to do what they want and love in life.

Many of them also realized that they were just afraid to make more money...because of what their family would think of them, or because they felt they didn't deserve it, or because they were afraid to lose it once they made it.

But then they saw the truth, that they deserved to have everything in life that they wanted...and that we all deserve to.


Reason #2. I don't have the time. Every one of us is busy. We all have bills to pay, work to do and families to take care of. We also all have the exact same amount of time. We all have 24 hours each day. Where we differ is in what we do with those 24 hours. Are you enjoying every minute of every day? Are you learning, growing and feeling the beauty of every moment?

If you're not then you're missing out.

Because I can tell you from my own personal growth that when you get to a point in your life when every moment of every day is enjoyable that life just becomes easy and effortless.


When you're not carrying around the emotional baggage from childhood and from the "everyday grind" then life is easy, no matter what happens.

I want you to ask yourself this... "Have I done all the growth that I can or do I have more to go? Am I truly happy with where I am in life or do I want more? Am I holding back from getting the upgrade package because of fears and limiting beliefs?"

Ask yourself those honest questions and ask yourself for honest answers. I want you to make a decision on the upgrade where fear is not an issue, where limiting beliefs have been caste aside, where you are coming from your heart and making a decision that is truly in line with who you are.

Once you're at that place I want you to think about these facts:

1.  It’s 100% risk free because of the SIX MONTH, money back guarantee.  And if you’re one day or five days over the six months, we’ll still give you your money back.  The deal is simple.  We provide incredible value for you, incredible results, or you get your money back.

2.  Meridian Tapping WORKS.  If you’ve had an experience with it in your life, and if you’ve gotten results, then you need to be asking yourself, “Why am I not reaching for even bigger results?” The tools that are provided in the summit, not just the audio presentations, but the transcripts to review, along with the workbook to work through, all the bonuses AND the two four week teleseminars...

It just doesn’t get much better than that.

And if you haven’t tried Tapping yet, then you need to look at all of the testimonials below and ask again, “What am I waiting for?!?”  :)

If at the end of the day, if you’re still not sure, then I suggest you take 15 seconds, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and decide for yourself.

Your intuition will tell you if this is something you need right now.  :)

As my friend Carol Look says, “You’ll know it in your knower”

Regardless of what you decide to do (because I know you’ll make the right decision for yourself!) I want to thank you, deeply, from the bottom of my heart for your love, support and kind words during this amazing Summit experience.

Thousands of people have emailed and thanked Jessica, Alex and I, along with the speakers, affiliates and wonderful support staff for the summit, but at the end of the day, we are the ones who are most blessed.

I spent the last two weeks reading about your miracles.

I spent the last two weeks reading about your new found hope, inspiration, and personal peace.

I spent the last two weeks reading your stories of physical pain disappearing, of emotional blocks releasing after years of pain.

To be a part of that, in any way, is an honor and a privilege.

Needless to say, I’ve been teary-eyed more than once during this amazing experience.  :)

So... THANK YOU....

Sending you much love, from me and everyone else involved with the 2010 Tapping World Summit.



P.S. - In case you haven't yet heard...we reached our goal of raising $10,000 for the Oaxaca Project that is helping kids with cancer in Mexico using EFT and so we decided to raise it to $15,000. 100% of profits until we reach our goal are going to help these wonderful kids. :)


Here's What You'll Get When You Upgrade Today to the Platinum or Gold Packages:
(Platinum includes the CD's, workbook and digital downloads for all audios, workbooks and transcripts. Gold is digital download only of the audios, workbook and transcripts)


Carol Look

Tapping into Abundance: Understanding What's Really Going on with The Law of Attraction and Healing Your Relationship with Money


In this amazing interview Carol will reveal to us:

  • The secret to finally experiencing wealth and abundance.
  • Why tapping into the energetic vibration of money is the real key
  • How to clear the beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you from reaching your true potential
  • Abundance games that will help you attract more wealth into your life

Pat Carrington

How to Use Tapping to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You


In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • The secret key to attracting more of what you want, by "tapping-in" positive commentss
  • How to create joy and fulfillment even in the face of real problems.
  • The amazing "Tapping Snapshot" method
  • How to use Tapping and the Law of Attraction to help your business skyrocket!
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Skyrocket Your Success by Overcoming The Most Common Business Fears

In this interview with Margaret you will:

  • Find out why marketing and sales are the REAL KEY to growing any business.
  • Discover the 3 fundamental attributes of a top salesperson.
  • Understand the Number 1 block that holds most people back when it comes to sales.
  • Learn how to turn your passion for your product or service, into a passion for telling people about it.


Brad Yates

Being the Change: Your Profound Impact on The World


Gandhi once said, 'I choose to be the change that I wish to see in the world.' In this interview you will learn how to become that change.

  • The key to creating a new reality within yourself
  • The 3 ways to really make a difference
  • Discover how to counteract the problems in the world by healing yourself, by raising your own energy level.
  • The secret to letting go of the obligation to suffer, while still caring and being of even greater service.

Lindsay Kenny

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Almost everyone lives with some kind of limiting belief or another, that holds us back from living the lives we dream of. In this interview you will discover:

  • Exactly what are limiting beliefs, and why do we have them?
  • Incredibly powerful techniques that will allow you to overcome them with ease.
  • The secret to instantly collapsing any negative thoughts.
  • How to use Tapping to break free and allow yourself to lead an empowering life.
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Bob Doyle

Discovering Your True Passion

Are you truly passionate about what you are doing? Do you have a strong sense of purpose? If you’re struggling with living your passion, this is the perfect interview for you. In this masterful interview you will:

  • Discover the secret to creating a powerful vision for yourself
  • Learn how to use Tapping to remove the mental blocks that are holding you back from your true destiny.
  • Find the key to overcoming the prior conditioning that is working against your being all that you can be.

Carol Tuttle

What your energy profile can teach you about being your true self

In this powerful presentation you'll learn:

  • How your self-improvement goals might actually be working against you.
  • How you might be in conflict with your true nature
  • What the American Idol judges can teach you about your personality type!
  • How you might be tapping on all the wrong issues and how to easily shift and get dramatic results on the right issues

Freedom from Food! Releasing your cravings and compulsive eating habits to lose weight and feel great.

In this content-rich session you will discover:

  • The hidden relationships between stress and food
  • The secret to stop using food as a solution to your problems, or to mask pain.
  • Gloria's Four Level Plan to eliminate guilt and the pain associated with compulsive eating
  • The key to losing that excess weight and never regaining it again: a three-step daily tapping workout.
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Steve Wells

Unlocking Your Hidden Power: How Your Identity Shapes Your Reality

Limiting beliefs put a huge strain on our ability to achieve our full potential. Steve is masterful at explaining to us:

  • How to identify these beliefs, and how to use Tapping to completely collapse them.
  • The key to getting out of the 'Perfectionist Trap' that so many of us get caught in.
  • The 3 big ways to access your unconscious beliefs.
  • The amazing power of 'Irritation Tapping'.

Building Thriving and Loving Relationships with Meridian Tapping

In this life changing presentation, you'll learn:

  • The roadmap to a happy, healthy and enjoyable marriage.
  • The three simple practices that will lead you to understand what makes a relationship work.
  • Why trusting and loving yourself is a critical component of a strong relationship.
  • What to do if one spouse wants to work on the problem, but the other one doesn't....

Gwenn Bonnell

Meridian Tapping for Your Best Friend: Your Pet!

In this amazing session, Gwen will help you

  • Learn how and where to tap with pets for maximum results.
  • Understand how to do surrogate tapping when you can't actually tap on the pet.
  • Hear amazing true stories of success using EFT with pets.
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Breaking the Chain of Addictions with Meridian Tapping

Whether you're addicted to food, or cigarettes, or drugs, or drama or fear, the same patterns are likely to be running. In this breakthrough interview, Sue will explain:

  • What are addictions, and why do we have them in the first place?
  • Why current approaches are simply not effective.
  • The 5 basic principles of 'New World Thinking' and why this is so powerful!
  • How to use Meridian Tapping to collapse the issues that are causing the addiction in the first place.

Speaking Your Truth: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

In this amazing session, Pamela will reveal:

  • The secret to being calm and confident in front of an audience of two, or two thousand.
  • How to rewire your brain so that you no longer go into a panic when you have to speak in public.
  • Why, 'Just Get Out And Do It!'just doesn't work.
  • Learn the 8-Step action plan to removing those anxieties and becoming the confident speaker you always wanted to be.

Rick Wilkes

Overcoming the Damaging Effects of Childhood Trauma

In this incredible interview you will learn:

  • The 3 natural responses to a traumatic event, and why the most common the most damaging.
  • The secret to shifting those energies that, since your childhood, have been holding you back.
  • Why it's important to tap on the simple things first.
  • The amazingly powerful process of tapping on your Inner Child.
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Judy Byrne

Healing the Critical Voice

If you asked, "What Inner Voice?" it's precisely the voice that asked that question! In this beautiful session you will:

  • Learn how adverse childhood events affect your mental and even physical health as adults, even many decades later.
  • Discover the key to comforting and loving that inner child.
  • Uncover the secret to silencing the critical and tuning into your wisdom

Meridian Tapping for Cancer Support

In this dynamic presentation, Emma will show you:

  • How to use Tapping to address the variety of emotions that the first diagnosis presents.
  • The keys to collapsing the initial feelings of overwhelm and fear.
  • Discover how Tapping can help you to recover the clarity and strength needed to face the situation, and make the right decisions.
  • Why just tapping on the word 'cancer' can help reduce the strain.

Using Meridian Tapping to Quickly Manage and Eliminate Pain From Trauma, Injury or Surgery

Through this amazing session you will:

  • Understand WHY tapping works so well to reduce and eliminate pain.
  • Learn specific protocols to manage your particular issues, whether they are new or old.
  • Discover the secrets to using tapping to increase your performance in any sports activity.
Ron Ball

Using Tapping to Overcome Obstacles to Your Biggest Dreams

In this audio with Jessica, the host of the 2010 Tapping World Summit, you'll learn how to:

  • Pinpoint and clear the blocks that are holding you back from reaching your goals.
  • Avoid the common pitfalls encountered in setting goals
  • Use tapping to propel yourself into action
  • Include a special tapping process with music especially designed to help you reach your goals faster.

Plus...these FOUR bonus CD's...

Jessica Ortner on the Personal Peace Procedure Pre-Event: Julie Schiffman on Using Tapping to Overcome Obstacles to Your Biggest Dreams
Pre-Event: Nicolas Ortner on
How to Maximize Your Results with the Tapping World Summit
Pre-Event: Carol Look on
The Basics of EFT / Meridian Tapping


Plus...the 2010 Tapping World Summit Workbook with Individual Sections on Each of the Above Topics and Digital Access to Transcripts on All the Above Audios (Digital access to the audios and workbook is also included!)



"Dear Nick:
 Thanks so much to you, your sister and the rest of your family who obviously put a tremendous amount of effort into making these presentations so professional, informative and fun.  Jessica did a fantastic job of asking good questions and keeping the conversations on track.
On a personal note, after the second night's sessions, I was able to fall asleep without having to take any kind of sleeping aid.  This was the first time in over five years.  Thank you for that.  I've fallen asleep easily every night since.
You guys should be proud of a job well done.

Elle Summer

"This has been astounding; I've spent two hours+ each day with the tapping
sessions, plus I've tapped on my own. There is a whole new world showing up
for me. I have been in touch with my passion for some time, but I'd say I'm
definitely on a higher level with it already as a result of this work."

Darlene Roth

"Hi Nick:
I'd like to thank Jessica for her audios on "Fear of Failure" and "Fear of Criticism". I'm not sure if it was the statements she used or the music in the audios, but it had THE most, gut wrenching, outpouring of emotions I'd ever had.
I hadn't experienced in a very long time.. Simply... I Cried Like A BABY.

Tears poured from my eyes. I was so unhappy. The last time I felt like
that, was when I couldn't turn to anyone for help or support.

A big HUG and thanks for the much needed release. It was wonderful"


"Jessica is awesome. I am going through chemotherapy right now and her talk is transforming me. What she is saying resonates in my heart and soul. I will probably do this session three more times today before it goes off the air. Please tell her that her words have changed me."

Pilar Uribe

"Jessica and Nick, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us, the Tapping World Summit was FANTASTIC! I did 12 days of Tapping overall, the speakers were so wonderful w/ suggestions, & insights. I do feel lighter inside, thanks are not enough."

Martha Chief

"I don;t know how I happened onto the Tapping World Summit but have found it life changing. Nothing is an accident. Jessica, you are doing a wonderful job and are destined for ever greater things. Thank you for the goodness you are bringing to the world."

Margaret O'Connor


6 Month Money Back Guarantee


If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect...or keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 6 Months and return the product and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!



Plus, When You Upgrade Today You'll also Get these Six Bonuses with the Platinum or Gold Package.
Loretta Sparks
Loretta Sparks on
Helping Others Without Hurting
Yourself in the Process

Audio Recording

In this powerful session, Loretta will discuss compulsive, helping behavior and why do many people have it. She'll also discuss the dangers of compulsive helping and what you can do to bring balance back into your life.
Rue Hass
Dealing with those Nagging
Feelings of Insecurity

Audio Recording

In this audio you'll learn how to identify and overcome childhood repressions that are still holding you back so that you can rewrite the story that's running your life from your unconscious mind.
Dr. Sandra Radomski
Making Good Decisions with
Clarity and Confidence

Audio Recording

Scared of making the wrong decision? In this sessions you'll discover the key to accessing higher levels of consciousness so as to be able to be in a more resourceful state where you are free from blocks caused by old traumas and anxiety.
Dr. Lees
Dr. Alexander Lees
Strengthening Your Immune System
Through Tapping

Audio Recording

If you hae ANY kind of physical issues, you won't want to miss this session. Dr. Lees will reveal empirical evidence that shows that Tapping actually works on "physical" issues. He'll teach you the keys to reprogramming your immune system so that it works for you and not against you.
Ron Ball
Ron Ball
Dealing With Insatisfaction and
Stress at Work

Audio Recording

Research shows that well over half of all employees in the United States are not satisfied or engaged with their jobs. If you are one of them, this is a must listen to audio for you!
Stacey Vornbrock
Coming Back to Balance - The Ultimate Body and Mind Recovery Program (NEW BONUS)

This eBook will show you how to use tapping to significantly reduce or eliminate the stress and unpleasant experiences that life can sometimes throw at you. This program will bring your body, mind, and life back into harmony and help you feel fantastic once again.


. . . and these EXTRA BONUSES for those who choose the Platinum All Access VIP Package:


Carol Look
Breaking the Chain of Clutter in Your Life
Audio Interview

Wouldn't we all love to rid ourselves of all that clutter? The home, the office, the car... Let Carol show you how! In this enlightening session you will learn that most people have an emotional reason for clutter, so you first need to clear your vibration. Carol will show you how to ask the right questions to determine what issues you need to work on so that you can finally live a life without clutter!
Mary A. Hall
Breaking Free from Anxiety! How to Quickly Release the Chokehold of Stress and Enjoy A More Peaceful Day
Audio Interview

In this amazing bonus session you'll discover the secret to collapsing patterns of thought that are causing you anxiety. The powerful tap-along with Mary is sure to provide you relief before the session is even over!
Gene Monterastelli
Turning Your Issues into Allies
Audio Recording

In this audio you'll go through an amazing tranformation process that will convert your problems into your friends and allies. You'll learn Gene's 9 Steps to total transformation and find the key to healing any issue.
Lindsay Ainger
How to Find Your True Soul Mate
Audio Recording

Are you tired of being alone or in an unfulfilling relationship? In this audio you'll learn Lindsay's 8-step process to attracting the man or woman of your dreams. You'll also learn some amazing tapping sequences to release any blocks you may have to finding what you're looking for.
Margaret Lynch
Tapping into Miracles Teleclass
Recorded Teleclass

Could you be blocking a miracle in your life? In this recorded teleclass you'll learn how to create the life you want by clearing blocks and opening up to the possibility of a real life miracle.


6 Month Money Back Guarantee


If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect...or keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 6 months and return the product and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!


Option #1 – Our Most Popular!

Tapping World Summit Platinum
"All Access" VIP Pass – Hard Copies

Own your own copy of the entire Tapping World Summit that you’ll be able to use and enjoy over and over forever with all our Tapping experts. Remember, 100% of the profits will be donated until we reach our goal of donating $10,000 $15,000. . .


What you receive with your Platinum "All Access" VIP Pass:

22 CD's - Each session recorded on Audio CD $594 value

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Complete Printed Workbook package from each Session organized in a beautiful binder $297 value

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Complete Access to the entire archived digital library from the Summit, including sessions, workbooks and transcripts in MP3 and PDF files too! $396 value

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TEN Extra bonus sessions to enhance your Tapping experience (Immediate Download Access) $180 value

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NEW!! 4 Week Tele-seminar with Carol Look on "Overcoming Patterns of Sabotage Once and For All" $97 value

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NEW!! 4 Week Tele-seminar with Pamela Bruner on "Breaking the Cycle of Stress and Overwhelm" $97 value
green check mark NEW!! Carol Look's FULL "Improve Your Eyesight with EFT" e-book with audio recordings $27 value
Total Value: $1,688


"Platinum VIP Hard Copies"

Unfortunately the Upgrade Time Period is Over. If you have any questions please email us at

Total Value : $1,688 Today: $197 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
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Option #2

Tapping World Summit Gold Pass – Digital Files (MP3s and PDFs)

Own your own copy of the entire Tapping World Summit in digital form forever. Remember, 100% of the profits will be donated until we reach our goal of donating $10,000 $15,000. . .

What you receive with your Gold Pass:

green_check Complete Unlimited Digital Access to Audio Files online for each of the 22 sessions $396 value
green_check Complete access to Digital files of Transcripts and Workbooks from each Session organized (not included in the Tapping World Summit "Live" Sessions) $297 value
green_check FIVE Extra bonus sessions to enhance your Tapping experience. $90 value

green check mark

NEW!! 4 Week Tele-seminar with Carol Look on "Overcoming Patterns of Sabotage Once and For All" $97 value

green check mark

NEW!! 4 Week Tele-seminar with Pamela Bruner on "Breaking the Cycle of Stress and Overwhelm" $97 value
green check mark NEW!! Carol Look's FULL "Improve Your Eyesight with EFT" e-book with audio recordings $27 value
Total Value: $1,004


"Gold Digital Files Access"

Unfortunately the Upgrade Time Period is Over. If you have any questions please email us at

Total Value : $1,004 Today: $97 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
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6 Month Money Back Guarantee


If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect...or keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 6 months and return the product and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!


Medical/Legal Disclaimer: The information on this website and that you receive during "Tapping World Summit" is not intended to replace a one-
on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge
and information from the research and experience of Tapping World Summit, and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make
your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership
with a qualified health care professional.